How Can Drivers Avoid Rear-End Collisions?

Dec 10, 2019

Rear-End Accidents Are More Common Than You Think!

Rear-end collisions account for a pretty large percent of all automobile accidents throughout the United States. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has reported that about 30% of all accidents are rear-end collisions. There are many ways to help prevent the occurrence of a rear-end collision from happening.

Here are some tips to avoid rear-end:

1. Leave extra space between you and the car in front of you

This is one of the best ways to avoid rear-ending the driver in front of you. The more space you leave between you and the car in front of you, the more time you have to react to possible accidents or sudden braking. It gives you more room to stop so that you can hopefully stop before hitting the vehicle in front of you.

2. Check your mirrors often

You should be checking your mirrors as you drive every 5-7 seconds or so. You should also check them every time you brake. You should be conscious of making sure you have enough time to brake as well as the vehicle behind you. 

3. Focus on driving - don’t be distracted

Distracted deriving is a huge cause of rear-end accidents and other types of collisions too. You should always keep your eyes on the road for the entirety of the time you are driving. This ensures you are noticing brake lights in front of you or any reckless drivers around you. Staying alert is important to ensure your safety while driving.

4. Brake slowly

When approaching a stop sign, red light or other obstacle, you will want to brake early to ensure that you have enough time to stop. Stopping slowly also helps the person behind you to know that you are slowing down. Braking quickly is not only bad for your vehicle, but does not give the vehicle behind you a lot of time to react.

5. Check brake lights

It is important to check your brake light periodically to ensure that they are working properly. Without working brake lights, the car behind you might not realize you are slowing down or stopping. You are more likely to get rear-ended in this event. 

6. Know the driving conditions

If you are driving in inclement weather, like heavy rain, snow or the roads are icy, it is important to be extra alert and drive slower. You will also want to be cautious and ready to brake when driving in areas of construction, children playing or bicyclist’s.

Choose Ray’s Automotive!

Even if you use all of these tips to drive safely, accidents still happen. If you have been rear-ended or accidentally rear-ended someone, bring your car to Ray’s Automotive. Rear-end accident damage can range from small dents or scratches to serious damage. We are a trusted and experienced auto body shop that will help to restore your vehicle to its pre-accident condition. Give us a call today!

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