The Dark Side of Auto Body Repair: How Disreputable Shops Cut Corners

Oct 09, 2019

Finding the Right Auto Body Shop to Repair Your Vehicle

After a car accident, we put our trust into auto body shops to fix our vehicle accurately and in an efficient amount of time. Most often, we don’t realize little things that auto body shops can be unscrupulous and dishonest during the repair process. 

  1. That fender bender will be more expensive than you think
  2. Not all replacement parts are the same
  3. The due date is probably not accurate
  4. Your car needs a shop that knows is brand
  5. Insurer’s warranty isn’t always trustworthy

Unfortunately it isn’t uncommon for auto body shops to overcharge in certain areas of your repair in order to try to make an extra profit. This is why it can be important to know a little bit about car parts and their average cost for your type of vehicle. 

Scams to Watch Out For 

Some common types of scams that can happen at auto body shops are:

  • Overcharging for Parts
  • Paying Your Deductible
  • Underbidding a Job
  • Damaging Your Car

It can be very easy for car mechanics to convince someone that their car needs more repair than it does, or that the labor will be longer and more expensive than originally quoted. It is a good idea to get a written estimate so that you can see how much the parts and repair will cost. Aside from parts, you should also be sure to never accept the offer for the auto body shop to pay for deductible. Body shops should not offer to payoff or discount your deductible. This is unethical and would mean that they are over-inflating the estimate to cover your deductible amount so that the insurance company would have to pay the entire amount for repairs. 

How Can You Avoid Scams?

One of the best ways to avoid scams is to evaluate auto body shops before you choose one. You can do this a few different ways. If you don’t already have a trusted auto body shop, asking your friends and family for recommendations is a great way to find a shop that can be trusted from experience. If you are new to an area or don’t know anyone, looking at online reviews and ratings can be a good way to evaluate a shop. 

If you choose an auto body shop and something seems sketchy about their process, estimate or something else, chances are you should listen to you gut. If you are unsure if an estimate looks legitimate or not, try asking a friend or family member who might know about cars or who has had similar work done to their car. 

Most importantly, you should look fro auto body shops that are certified and have certified mechanics. This can help to show that they are a trusted and approved auto body shop. 

Ray’s Automotive: A Name You Can Trust

Ray’s Automotive is a family owned auto body shop who treats every customer like family. Our reviews speak for themselves. We are a trusted auto body shop for all of your collision and auto body repair needs. Give us a call today to see how we can help with your vehicle!

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